Thursday, July 17, 2008


Hi All,

I feel like I never see anyone or talk to anyone anymore. Everyone has been going out of town, and then we went "out of town". Now we are back in town, but entertaining visitors. So, just so all my friends know... I still love you, and think about you all the time. But between entertaining, mommying, and working part time, I have no free time. That's why I haven't written on this here blog thing much.

Anyway, we had lots of fun house sitting. My favorite was watching Eden chase the cats around yelling Meow Meow Meow, and trying to kiss them as she chased them with her butt sticking out cause she was bent over as she was walking. It was the cutest. There was also a dog park nearby that we would walk to most nights with her and she would chase the dogs around before bedtime. She LOVED it. Town was fun, but I think I like living up here better, just because even though all there is to do up here is go to the beach... at least it is free. If I lived in town, all I would be able to do is shop (not free), and Jonathon and I would probably eat out at the yummy returaunts more often (also not free, or cheap for that matter). Plus rent would be more. However, moving down there is still a possibility just cause I know Jonathon doesn't like driving down there all the time for work and school.

So, you've probably all seen my photos on facebook anyway, but here are some fun pics so the rest of you can see what we have been up to.


Stephanie said...

looks like fun! my favorite is the sassy pose under that tree of the three of you with you hand on your hip. work it girl!

Melissa said...

i was going to say the same thing. love that pose! you sexy thang!

The Fantastic Four said...

You are a sassy woman!!

Is that Tom and Kathy in the first pic?? Small world!! =)

I'm so jealous of where you get to live. Eden is growing up and she is such a cutie.

wood0306 said...

Oh SOOOOOOO very jealous......

Christina said...

Looks like tons of fun! What is the carrier/backpack thing that you have Eden in in one of those pics?

Kristine Parker said...

That slip and slid is awesome! Ammon and I made one in Micheal and April's back yard.

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod