Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!! (Better late than never...right??)

Somehow I didn't post this. I think my Internet must have cut out before I finished writing.

SO...We had a lot of fun for Halloween this year. We dressed Eden up as an angel, and if I may say so she looked so cute! We went to ward Trunk or Treat at the church Wednesday night. Daddy dressed as the Devil and mamma as an angel too. Eden enjoyed running around and getting candy as we strolled from car to car. They also served some delicious chili and yummy ice cream sundaes. We have a really awesome ward.

On actual Halloween night we headed to Laie, which is considered the safest neighborhood on the island. Dadda dressed again as the devil, mamma as a witch, Eden an angel, and Cisco joined us dressed as Bob Marley). Unfortunately when we got there, I realized I had brought the camera...but left the SD card at home. But that didn't stop the fun. We walked the popular Moana street. It was so much fun. Eden ran as fast as she could from one house to the next once she realized that they were giving her candy. She'd hold out her little trick-or-treat bag (that I proudly made for her out of a dish towel from last Halloween), and say in her own way "trick-or-treat!", get candy, say thank you, and run off to the next place. As we walked away she would always put her hand out or try to open her new candy and say "By! By!" Which is Eden-eese for "bite". She loved looking at all the decorations and some houses did an amazing job decorating for the little trick-or-treaters. Eden's new words she learned for this fun event were, "Happy Halloween", "candy" (pronounced "nandy"), trick-or-treat, and I think that's about it.
Anyway, it was a super fun evening.

1 comment:

stef j. said...

haha! i love that you still posted it!

and eden is an adorable angle, if i may say so.

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod