Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pop Quiz??

True or False: Texton enjoyed his first dip in the pool.

Multiple Choice:

What is Eden's favorite game to play with Micah?




D: Eden always loves when Micah plays with her.

Fill in the blank
Eden's favorite color for everyone to wear is _______!!!!!!!

Answer KEY:
1. False...he did not cry, but he definately pouted 98% of the time.

2. D, while Eden LOVES when Micah throws her into the pool, she just loves to spend time with Uncle Micah

3. (Pink)


Melissa said...

that was a tough one!

how long are you guys gone?

Stephanie said...

Cutest post ever!! That pouty face was precious.

liko said...

i agree - that is one cute pouty face, texton. and we miss you guys. sure looks like a ton of fun, though! and you can't beat family!

Lindsay Rondo said...

hah this was cute. Looks like you guys are having fun!
The picture of Texton's little face makes my heart melt!

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod