Sunday, August 16, 2009

A day well worth repeating!!!

Thanks to a friends excellent suggestion...The other morning we went to a new ice cream place: Menchies.
Question: What is better than 8 sticky hands, 4 sticky mouths, a wall full of 20 something frozen yogurt flavors and a buffet bar full of candy, nuts, cereal, syrups, and toppings galore??? Oh, and need I mention this place is all you can eat and pay for per ounce...

A: When the Mommy's eat it too! And watch their kids
Play! Play! Play

I'm actually suprised the sweet employees at this place didn't send us on our way. The kids had tons of fun after we loaded them up with sugar. They were drawing on the chalk board and running around crazy. It was great!
After this crazy fun, the kids and I had a few errands to run (Costco and SAVERS!!!) But before we could do any of that we had a delicious lunch of...


Stephanie said...

yum, that was a great day! i wouldn't be opposed to doing it again either. and i like this song. it makes me happy and excited for christmas too for some reason :)

Karen said...

Matti you are looking awesome! I so wish I was there so we could work out together...and why did this place come into existence only after I left the Island? I need to go there! :)

wood0306 said...

That looks like fun! I wish I could have days like that!

liko said...


and that sushi looks so yummy, too!!!

next time we go it has to be when i don't have to rush back home so fast!!!

RuSty and LaLa said...

where is this yummy place. I want to go to there

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod