Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's SNOWING!!!!

At least it is down at Windward Mall every hour on the hour from 1-8pm in center court! We went to the mall with daddy today and enjoyed 2 Jamba Juices! Thanks to Melissa's tip on the buy one get one coupon. Thanks Melissa! So actually between the 3 of us we enjoyed 4 juices for the price of 2!

Anyway, back to the snow. This was a lot of fun. After Jamba (and waiting for 5 minutes for the rain to stop pouring) we walked as quickly as we could over to the mall. Dad hurt his foot pretty bad last night practicing kick boxing with some friends. Apparently when you kick some guys knee it hurts you a lot worse than it hurts them. So he could only limp as quick as possible. We got a little rained on, but it was totally worth it because there was SNOW!!

It's actually bubble-foam that they blow out of the middle of the big Christmas tree in center court. But, it's just about as close as you can get here in Hawaii. It looked pretty much like the real thing. It even melted in your hand when you caught it. It was soooo cute to watch Eden run around with her arms out, and try to pick the snow off the other kids heads and shoulders around her.

After the snow we watched a children's performing choir in center court and ate pretzel bites. Yummy! Eden loved watching the kid sing and dance. After each song she would clap and start saying More! More! with her little fingers in sign language. It was hard for me to not cry listening to Christmas music watching her dance around on her daddy's lap. It was the best day ever. Thanks for taking the day off homework Dad to hang out with your girls. We had the best day ever!


Tane and Angela said...

kewl! that must be a first for windward mall..sounds fun! one more thing for me to put down on our 'to do' christmas list=) Thanks matti!

stef j. said...

SWEET! now i know what we're doing for FHE tomorrow!

Bonnie said...

Just toooo sweet:-) Love you guys!!!

AJones said...

AHH!! That sounds like a great day..minus the gimp...oh I mean limp. I am thinking about you right now and am going to call you bye~

wood0306 said...

That is more snow then we are getting here! Sounds like a very fun day. We spent the weekend decorating and getting the kids ready for Christmas. I think I might finally see that excitement from them that I have been waiting for, for 6 years. I had them each make Christmas chains to count down the days!!!

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod