My parents finally found a house. I wondered (as I am sure they did) when and IF they were ever going to find "their house". They sold their old house in SLC UT way back in September (they lived there for 16 years I believe and I did for 12), and moved out to live out of suit cases in my Brother in Law's basement for the next few weeks...which quickly turned into months.
The nice part for me about this unexpected delay was that I got to spend an extra Christmas with them this last year. We all thought they would be settled into their new place in Texas or Arizona by then.
But, they finally found it. After many prayers from family, their friends, and even my friends. And I'm so glad they did.
They started a blog HERE about their house that I thought I would share with all of you interested. I know many of you have asked me often how they are doing.
Eden has been asking to watch Finding Nemo often, and the first 33 seconds of the opening clip reminds me of my parents. Mostly my Dad. If you haven't met my parents, I hope you can someday. They are awesome.
CONGRATS MOM AND DAD! The place is looking great! I can't wait to visit it. My mom has been working very hard (with the help of my little brother and Dad, and a slew of workers) to get this place in order before she heads out here next week, to help me adjust to my growing family for 4 whole weeks! I am so excited to get her to myself for so long. Now I need to pray for sunshine. I'll feel bad if she leaves her 80 degree palm tree weather for the rain and wind we have had lately. At least she'll get to hold a sweet new cutie everyday! And play with my most favorite girl in the world. See you soon Mom!
wow that's cool. I read your mom's whole blog. We are in the middle of huge remodels and dang its crazy. I wish I had the money and time to do exactly what I wanted but mostly I just don't have the creativity to think it all up. But nonetheless your mom's house looks great. PS: I was born in Mesa my parents really enjoyed it there, it was first settled by LDS.
4 weeks! that is soo very lucky matti! enjoy every second. can't wait to see your new little one.
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