Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ahhh. The Outdoors.

We've been spending a lot of time outdoors lately thanks to our generous neighbors sharing their huge pool with Eden. Eden loves to play in the water, and lately we haven't been to the beach very often. Actually that's not very new. Eden and I usually don't go to the beach. But, since I've been sick and pregnant I haven't really desired going to the beach. Too much sun makes me sick.

Anyway! Her favorite part about playing outside it walking around with the hose I think. She loves to drink out of it. I often encourage her drinking out of the hose in hopes of avoiding her drinking more water out of the pool... her other favorite outdoor activity.

Yesterday we had a lot of fun with some of the other "local babies" playing in the pool and finger-painting. More paint ended up on the kids than it did on the paper, but that's usually how it goes. It's much more fun that way. (photos to follow. They haven't been downloaded yet.)


echo said...

why is it that when we give kids a sippy cup of water they won't drink it. but give them a pool/tub/hose and it is the greatest thing in the world?
we had fun yesterday. maybe next time addy won't fall asleep.

echo said...

why is it that when we give kids a sippy cup of water they won't drink it. but give them a pool/tub/hose and it is the greatest thing in the world?
we had fun yesterday. maybe next time addy won't fall asleep.

Melissa said...

sounds like fun!!

The Fantastic Four said... grow up in HI. Eden is such a lucky girl!! =)

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod