I just love this photo I took the other day at LegoLand with my two cuties. Love them love them love them...what more can I say? I love them!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
For your viewing pleasure
I just love this photo I took the other day at LegoLand with my two cuties. Love them love them love them...what more can I say? I love them!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Disney Land
A few photos to wet your whistle. We are having way to much fun spending time with family to devote too much time to blogging. We want to make the most of our time. But just know we are alive, having fun, freezing our tootsies off, having ice ball fights, eating lots of treats, sipping warm drinks, and relaxing.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The first shall be my last...and the last shall be my first. ;-)

So....Here is how the race went.
I passed a few Honolulu Photographers, gave a few Shaka signs to cheerers on the side lines and a few high fives along the way. I was having fun and the miles were flying by....till about mile 6.
mile 6-8 seemed like a longer stretch for me. And my chest started to feel a little heavy and it was a little hard to breath. Then I noticed my "milk had come in". Since Tex usually wakes up right about 6:30 to nurse. So this is probably what added the extra pressure and constricted my breathing a little...not to mention made my back and shoulders a little sore. But I was still feeling pretty good and carried on running.
Somewhere about this time I met a guy named Stephen. A nice chatty older fellow. He's ran over 100 marathons in his lifetime. Can you believe that? Currently he is working on a goal of finishing a marathon in each of the 50 states. He said he only has 12 to go. How crazy is that?
So, we ran and chatted for a few miles. I was beginning to wonder if he was planning to run the whole way with me. He was nice, but I felt like the chatting was kind of messing up my pace a little. Eventually he saw someone wearing a 50State Marathon Club T-shirt and he struck up a conversation with that guy. I began walking and fell behind and Stephen got lost in the crowd.
The next stretch of Hawaii Kai seemed to last FOREVER! We made the half way point and I was still feeling pretty good. A little tired and still struggling with breathing, but overall not too bad.
The Hawaii Kai stretch was difficult for a few reasons. 1: I didn't know how far it was to the turn around point. In my mind it was just a few miles down the road...but it ended up being 6 miles. And 2: As you are running towards Hawaii Kai, there are other runners going the opposite direction who are somehow 12 miles ahead of you! And 3: The sun was up by this point and it was getting HOT.
Along the way there were lots and lots of hydration stations. I loved passing the water stations. It was fun to see the young kids passing out cups of Gatorade, water, and cold wet sponges. They were all cheering us on. "Way to go guys...You can do this! You are doing awesome!" I'd grab a cup or 2 or 3. The extra cups I poured into the water bottle I was carrying on my back. I swear I drank a gallon of liquids on the whole course.
I ran along doing my jogging thing, and walking through water stations. Eventually we hit the Costco in Hawaii Kai (at least that's where I think we were), and I had FINALLY reached the turn around point.
It felt SOOOOOO nice to finally be the one running past the people on the other side of the road who hadn't past the turn around point. Seeing all the people on the other side of the road who I was now 5-10 miles ahead of was very encouraging, and gave me a lot of energy.
I ran along for another mile or 2, and that's when a rock got stuck in my shoe. I read somewhere that if a rock gets in your shoe during a marathon, get it out immediately before it causes a bigger problem. So, I went to the side...tried to get the rock, but couldn't find it. I got running again and noticed my knees were getting pretty sore. Then, I felt that stupid rock again. Stopped, and found the dumb rock in my sock, and took it out. I ran a few meters, but was starting to get real stiff and sore. I'd barely passed mile 21 by this point. When I past mile 21 I thought, "This is great! I feel like I'm doing awesome, and I'll be done in 50 minutes! That means I'll surely be done in under 5 hours."
But all of a sudden my knees were killing and my energy died and I felt like I couldn't go for 5 more miles. I stepped to the side again and stretched my legs a moment, and a sweet lady walked up to me and offered me a Cliff Bar Shot block, and some pretzels. I said, "Thanks...I'm really dying." She said, "No your not! Your doing great! This'll help. You're goona make it!" And with that my spirits were renewed and I was off on my way again.
But the more I moved the more sore I became. By this point the bottoms of my feet were feeling pretty raw, my toes were starting to hurt because I had forgotten to trim my toe nails shorter, and my knees were still sore and getting worse. So I walked a bit. Every now and then I could get myself to run, but it only lasted a moment. It was hard to convince myself that it was worth it to run.
Eventually a sweet Asian lady who was also running the race came up and chatted with me for a moment. She told me we just had to get over the hill, and that it was hard...but that she knew I could do it. We walked a few paces together and she said, "Okay, lets jog a bit." So, I jogged with her for a few moments, and she began walking again, but I was feeling good enough to continue jogging.
So, along my way I went. I came across a group of ladies handing out cups on the side of the road. I grabbed a cup not knowing what it was....ummm, it was beer. So, I ran a little ways away and dumped it on the side of the road as to not upset them.
I kept pushing through the pain. Somewhere along the way I saw a sign that said 5K to go. I thought to myself "5K should be a cinch!" So, I began to run again...but I just hurt sooo bad.
Somewhere around mile 23/24 I think...I began getting really dizzy all of a sudden. I tried to shake it off for a moment and push past it, but then I realized I might pass out at any moment, and not be able to finish the course. So, I stopped and held onto a rock wall for a moment
I decided I probably needed to eat a little more, so I grabbed my last Cliff Bar Shot blocks (thank you soooo much Abbs)...and kept on moving. The dizziness left, it worked.
I finally saw a sign, "2K to go!" I tried to run again... just too sore.
A blond German? guy walked up next to me, and with a very thick accent said to me, "I am DONE running!" I said, "Amen!" But, just then I kind of got the urge to run...so I ran 30 feet and stopped again when my feet began cramping again.
FINALLY...the 1k to go sign came up. And I said to myself.."Okay. It's just pain. You can do this. Just run. You are going to be sore no matter what, so just GO!"
And I started running and I ran and I ran. And I didn't stop. And all of a sudden I was passing people again. And I could ignore the pain.
I came around the last corner...and there it was THE FINISH LINE. It really did exist!
I ran, and ran, and ran. Mustered up a smile for the camera, and finally crossed

I couldn't believe I'd just finished. I felt like bells and whistles and fireworks should be going off. I imagined all my family's and friend's faces in the crowd as I ran that last stretch. I actually imagined you there all along the way. Because I knew you would have been there on the side of the road cheering me on if you could. And I am so thankful for the people that Heaven placed on the corners in the spots where I needed them most. I made it to the end.
I headed a few feet past the finish where they have showers set up. I walked to one where I could safely shower off a moment and hold my music player away from the water.
I slowly slowly walked with the crowd towards the meeting spot where Jonathon and I planned to meet. My feet were killing and i couldn't wait to get my shoes off.
I stepped to a spot where I could finally take them off. The bottoms were so raw that I had to walk on the outsides of my feet. My legs were practically stiff as a board. My knees were so sore that I couldn't bend them.
Aaaah...but I was finished. I felt like I was the only one walking to poorly. But, every once in a while I saw someone who looked in just about as much pain as I was.
I didn't see Jonathon where we were supposed to meet up. I was about 10 minutes too early still, so I headed over to the t-shirt tent. And walked ...ever so slowly...back to the meeting spot.
Still not there, so I checked the final time board. My results still weren't posted. I looked up...and there they were.
My smiling proud little family. I was so happy to see their sweet smiling and very dirty faces. I missed them so much.

Monday, December 14, 2009
okay if you are dying to know...
Photos of me running
I'm debating if I want to spend $17 or more to order one. ;-)
Can I borrow your...

Saturday, December 12, 2009
See ya in 26.2 miles. ;-)

Bin #04116
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thanks a bajillion!!!
3.phone book
7.baby sitter
8.gym membership (90% of my workout DVD's are stored on it)
It made up a good part of my daily routine...and now it's back. I'm so happy. Though, it was good to have it gone for a while so I could reailze that I can function without having the thing running 16 hours a day...and get a little more creative around here...and out of the house more.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Computer is broken... ;-(

We were at a friend's house the other day. 2 silly girls + one bouncy bed = a whole lotta giggles

Thursday, November 19, 2009
She looks ready for the football game...

My friend's wise Mom...

Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
I wanna talk about me...
I just learned how to play "Hit me baby one more time" on the guitar. Move over Britany Spears.
And I took this photo of me the other day while looking at myself in the mirror at Children's Place. Hello "Mom look"...wow.
And today I tried on my "goal jeans"...and guess what? They fit! ;-) Whoop Whoop. So, I better use this nap time wisely and get to my work out so that they will continue to fit. Too bad it's an hour and a half of yoga...gag me. yuck....Oh awesome! Tex just woke up. Maybe I won't have to work out after all...till bed time that is. ;-)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I'm a little confused...
Well, if that is the case...can someone please tell me how my son ended up on top of this green hamper today?
I guess boys just follow different rules. ;-)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Well, we could go to the "Z" "O" "O"
Yes, she really just layed down on the ground and snuggled with the goats at the petting zoo...classic Eden.
Tex didn't seem to get too excited about anything. He just enjoyed cruising in the stroller for the most part.
To finish the evening off, we headed to Chuck E Cheese, and we were determined not to spend any money. So, Eden played in the free Jungle Gym there and cought a few rides on the carousel, jeep, and trolly on some other kids dime. ;-)
And on the way home we made a stop at Orange Tree. One of our favorite self serve frozen yogurt treats. I'd say it was a great day.
This is tooo funny - a must read
So, we get home late...it's pitch dark. I can barely see. We are standing at the door to the house waiting for Jonathon to unlock the house. He unlocks it and flips on the porch light where Eden Tex and I are still standing. And in Eden's hand is a toad...and she is holding him just like so, "baby talking" to it.
What is looks like to be a sick mommy
While she watches movies on the computer