Sunday, August 30, 2009


Ok, tonight we are trying something new... and I wanted to write about it while my thoughts and memories are fresh.
Eden has been having a difficult time going to bed at night lately, and once we finally get her to sleep she comes into our room and climbs into bed with us at all hours of the night. We figure this is probably because Tex sleeps in our room with us. Just in order to make midnight feedings more convenient for me.

But sleeping in a full size bed with 4 bodies in it is becoming a little more inconvenient. Plus I wake up often whenever I hear Tex make a little grumble. My ears are just too sentitive to his noises, and I still feed him twice at night. Plus the 4 times Eden comes in our room. Meaning I wake up 6 times a night.

So, tonight we are trying them out in the same room together. Eden told me she was going to be a good big sister and set a good example for brother and teach him how to stay in his own bed.

So far she has been doing really well and hasn't come out once.

When I first left the room after tucking them in, it was silent and I thought, "Wow, that was easy." I had put Tex into his crib already asleep and Eden had just been tucked in.

But a few moments later I heard a loud giggle that sounded like Tex, and then Eden giggled back. And then they made noises back and forth at one another for a few moments and started was soooo cute to hear them playing together.

Jonathon peeked in the room to make sure Eden hadn't crawled in Tex's crib... and there she was in her own little bed making noises to get Tex to laugh.

But after a few moments Tex's giggles started taking a turn to cries, so I went in and nursed him and laid him back in his crib.

As soon as I left his sight though, he began to cry. I took him out of the room so Eden would still be able to fall asleep, but then she started to cry because she wanted brother.

So, I decided that if he is going to get used to sleeping in his big new crib in Eden's room he's going to have to cry it out a little one night, and I put him back in his crib.

He's quit crying, and his cries have turned to moans. Eden is in the room asking, "Brother? What's the matter? What's da matter broder?"

So far it's not working...and Eden has started playing with something while waiting for Tex to cry it out.

I think I'll go in now to take him out and try it again another night. ;-)

*******a few moments later*********
So, I went in the room. I explained to Eden that Tex is scared to sleep in another room and that Mommy has to help him fall asleep and if she waits in her bed I'll bring him back in. She said, "okay" and I took Tex out. I laid him on my own bed in my room. Instantly he yawned, rolled over, and his eyes got droopy droopy...and he fell asleep. Literally in 30 seconds.

So I waited a few moments, picked him up and put him back in the crib. He woke up instantly in a panick and began crying. I picked him up, shooshed him back to sleep and remembered he likes to sleep on his tummy. So, I laid him back in the crib on his tummy...and not a peep.

I left the room, Eden fell asleep, Tex stayed asleep...and I didn't hear a peep till 6:30 this morning. (9:30-6:30= 9 hours of break time for Mommy....and boy did I need it!)

Oh...and they didn't sleep in the bed. Here is Tex in his crip this morning with his good friend Eeyore.


Stephanie said...

since asher sleeps a good portion of the night right up against me- i keep wondering when i will make the big transition into a crib in ambrose's room. glad this had a happy ending! i think well do it when we move up stairs. we shall see!

liko said...

yay for mommy getting some zzz's.

and my sister spoiled her baby - now he'll cry until mommy puts him in the bed with her. he has a hard time sleeping anywhere else. haha!!

go tex! and that's so cute - eden being concerned for tex. so sweet.

Melissa said...

wow that worked really well!! I am so glad you got some much needed, uninterrupted sleep!!

and they are too cute together! I loved reading this post!

stef j. said...

WOWZERS!! that's amazing!!

AJones said...

that's a sweet story!

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod