Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Resolving - A New Year - A New Me!

I had time a few weeks ago to sit and think thanks to a dear friend of mine who offered to watch Eden for me for 2 hours to do whatever it was I wished…for 2 WHOLE HOURS. It was a very odd feeling dropping my child off at a sitter for absolutely no good reason. No Dr. appointment, no date, no emergency…just me time. So, I wondered as I left what to do with this free me time?
I decided to go to a beach and nap. It’s impossible to nap at a beach with a toddler. Even if Jonathon is with me playing with her, I still feel neglectful if I just lie there in the sand letting him do all the work. So, I drove to the beach, parked in the lot, and decided I was too tired to get out of the car and walk. So, I set my alarm on my phone (to be sure I didn’t sleep more than 2 hours…just incase) and passed out in the driver’s seat for a good 45 minutes. I used to sleep in the drivers seat often in High School. I’d get home exhausted and if I tried to walk from the car to my bed, I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep. So, most days after school I’d sleep in the driveway. Anyway, back to the original story.
After I awoke I decided I was hungry and to skip the beach and head to Taco Bell. While at Taco Bell eating my soft taco and tostada, I stared out the window and thought about how I wanted to make this new year better for me. Or more, how I was going to make myself better this new year. I wrote them down in a notebook along with a few ideas of specifically how to achieve my goals; including being nicer and more service minded like my dear friend who had been watching my bundle of energy for the past 90 minutes.

In a nutshell I decided that this year I am going to
1. Read the scriptures at least 20 minutes a day (I’m sure this seems like a measly number compared to what many of you already do…but I gotta start somewhere.)
2. Exercise 45 minutes 6 days a week
3. Be a better more involved Mom (i.e. spend less time on the couch watching my kid play, and actually play WITH her, take her places, read more, sing more etc.)
4. Be a better wife and home-maker (Clean more often, cook better and more nutritious meals, finish unfinished sewing projects, organize, budget, etc)
5. Get ready in the mornings (brush teeth and put on sun screen and mascara, maybe straighten hair a little. Nothing fancy but a big improvement over my current regimen which consists of re-doing pony tail)
6. Seek for more opportunities to serve others and do it willingly
So the reason I am sharing this with you all is to
A. Hold me to these resolutions
B. Keep me focused
C. You will probably be reading a lot more about how I am progressing as the year goes
D. Echo’s Dad once said something like, “A goal unwritten is just a wish”. (or something close to that effect…and I love this quote!)
Anyway, after this awesome me time I ran to Foodland to get a 3 Musketeers which is my all time favorite candy bar. There is just something so relaxing to me about peeling off that outer chocolate layer and eating the gooey nougget inside. Mmmm. A perfect way to end my morning and get back to my little one just in time.


Stephanie said...

this made me all inspired to read- i should go look at my resolutions so i can remember what they are! jk- sort of... i have been working on them a bit but it is probably already time for me to re-read and re-commit!

Meg said...

This makes me feel like my new years resolution to "have more fun" is pretty lame! Thanks for the reminder that I have more important things to work towards.

stef j. said...

what an awesome present from your friend! me time is so slim as a momma.

good resolutions. i could basically ditto all of them. i guess i should make some ...

Bonnie said...

Wow, your list puts me to shame, but you have inspired me to try harder too:) Love Mom

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod