Thursday, January 29, 2009

What my little ones are up to

No, I haven't had my baby yet. Still planning on a March 13th delivery. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my Dr. doesn't get over-booked on C sections that day because appartently the hospital only allows so many on any given day. I really don't want it pushed to the 17th (just cause Jonathon has class).
Anyway, my 3-4 lb. baby #2 is kicking like crazy, jabbing his sweet little head into my ribs, kicking my pelvis, and pokes his cute little elbow out as far as it will go from time to time. He's making my body look like this. (Steph H. These belly photos are for you...per your request)

(These are a few photos from the other nights girls night out bowling and ice cream I enjoyed with a few girls in the ward. Unfortunately only half of the girls showed up cause the other half were sick. But it was fun! Especially ending the night with DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) I am addicted. Being 31 weeks pregnant doesn't stop me from a good time! However, bowling was a little challenging with a head poking you in the ribs.)

And Eden who unfortunately (I say that in a loving way) just woke up from her nap. That just means I can't write as much as I was planning on. Well, I'll just say this. She's is sooo much fun to hang out with. And since I've decided to be a more hands on mom and get out of the house more often we are having a blast together. She loves to read books, and recently she's started singing songs with us. It's the cutest thing in the world. Her favorites right now are "The Daddy Song" (I'm so glad when Daddy comes home..glad as I can be...), and Jonathon just recently taught her Patty Cake which she loves. Last months faves were "No man song" (Once there was a snowman), and "Popcorn" (I looked out the Window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot tree). She loves running around the house with her baby, checking and changing it's poopy diapers, shushing it to sleep, and has to have a blanket with her at all times to swaddle her many many babies. She's a copy cat following me around the house all day repeating what I say and doing what I do, or whatever the big kids around her are doing. And she's turning a little bossy. She loves to tell us to "IT DOWN" as she points to the spot next to her, or to tell us "No-no mommy" or "No-no Daddy". It's pretty cute, but we try not to encourage the bossiness to much. She's turning into a pretty good helper, doing little chores and errands for me around the house (close the door, throw this away, put this in the sink, etc.) I think she'll be a great help when the baby comes.
Another one of my favorite Eden-isms right now is how she'll get jealous whenever Jonathon tries to hug or kiss me, or even just put his arm around me when we sit on the couch. She gets angry and says "Nooo! No-no Daddy!". I think she thinks I'm only hers to give hugs and kisses to. It's one of our favorite games to tease her with.

(These are a few photos from the other Saturday. We decided to try and take Eden to a movie for the 1st time. Unfortunately it was a little too close to nap time so we only watched Madagascar 2 (which was really cute by the way) for the first 20 min, and spent the next 20 minutes in the hall playing video games. Then we gave up and headed for home. The other photo is sunday morning in one of her many new hand-me-downs from her awesome Uncle Michael and Aunt April who keep her in style. Thanks again guys!)

Anyway, I am being paged by a little one who's still in her cage, so I better run.


The Waldon Family said...

LOVE the pregnant pics!! I love how being pregnant still doesn't stop you from having fun, even DDR at 31 weeks :). I told Aaron you didn't know what to do with your free time so you went to the beach (kind of) and I think it's driving him crazy! It's freezing over here! We miss you guys and Hawaii too!

Matti said...

We miss you guys too. Are you still planning to move out here?

The Fantastic Four said...

Cute pics!! So much fun to see. I'm finally getting caught up on my've posted lots and it's totally fun to read.

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod