Thursday, June 25, 2009

We had a fun day

Today was a good day. Eden and I ran to Wal-Mart this morning to exchange the diapers we bought for Tex (I don't suggest Parents Choice for babies). After we bought our Huggies and a bottle for Texton we headed back to the house.

Eden wanted to try and feed Tex with the new bottle, so I let her try. He didn't know quite what to do with it. He basically just layed there with it in his mouth...but Eden felt pretty awesome about it.

We hung out around the house for a little bit, and played with Eden's new bubble set I bought her (i'll blog about that next...very cute photos!).

Then Grandma suggested we go out after naptime! So, Eden took her nap and so did Tex. I did my amazing leg workout (Slim Series-Thanks again, Rachele). Eden woke up and we all headed out the door.

Our first stop was In & Out burger. I have been here many many many times, but have never felt like eating a burger when I was there. So, today I ate my first one...and it was DELICIOUS! Since I technicaly am supposed to be on a diet Sun-Fri I didn't eat the bun, and had them wrap the burger in lettuce.

Eden had fun putting all the stickers on her face.

Backtrack a little: while driving to In & Out, Eden decided to dig poor brother's eye again while they were in their car-seats. All of a sudden I heard Tex scream, and I looked back to see Eden's hand near brother. I pushed her arm away and angrily asked, "What did you do?" "I touch brother's eye". I guess i gotta give it to her for being honest....but poor little brother.

So, after our yummy lunch...we headed out shopping. I found some earings for me and a suprise for Jonathon. I can't come home empty handed. :-)

Then we found this super fun play gym. It's like the one at Windward Mall, but it's a garden cute!!! Eden has been asking for days to go to the playground. But, I didn't want to take her in the 115 degree weather. But today it was overcast and mid 90's and perfect. She had a BLAST. I took almost 100 pictures did I do that? I'll narrow it down to 5 or 10 for you. Jonathon, you can see all of them when I get home. :-)

Grandma textin' with Texton...

Jumping off the ledge...
He hung out a lot and sucked on his fingers.

Then Grandma found Heaven AKA A puppy dog store.

Clapping to the music with Grandma...I wish I remember what song was playing.

She just had to play on the playground one last time before we left.

On the way home the sunset was is beautiful here everynight.

Then we got home, made dinner, Eden dropped brother on his face, ate and I tucked the kiddos in to bed for the night.

...Oh, yes. That's right. Eden dropped brother on his face. See, she was trying to pick him up...but he's too heavy. So, she accidentally dropped him on his face. At the time I made a MUCH MUCH bigger deal about it, then I calmed down and realized it was probably an accident. He's okay. Don't worry.


Greg and Abbey said...

Hey Girl,
Great update. I'm guessing you're in Arizona visiting your parents. Ohhh, you're so much closer than normal but still far away :( Tex is getting a lot from little Eden. Maybe she kinda thinks of him as a doll that can't break :)
Take care

Stephanie said...

that playground looks awesome! amby wishes he was there to play with eden... and so do i! haha :)

liko said...

ha! little ones are pretty resilient. and you are so good - eating well and working out and sticking to it - it's making me sick. if only i had your discipline matti!! it's pretty pathetic how i can't stick to working out like you! HEEEELP MEEE!!!

Rob, Brooke, Breanna and Ethan said...

very fun pics and sounds like so much fun with your mom :) oh the joys i have to look forward to of breanna dropping baby brother...eeekk!!

wood0306 said...

This looks like so much fun. I can't wait until we can get together again.

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod