Monday, October 19, 2009

Before I forget...

The other day, Tex was just not having a very good time. He was teething...and tired...and fighting nap time like crazy. I tried a few times to sooth him, sing to him, hold him, nurse him...and after I had been bit several times I left him in his bed and decided I had done all I could.
I walked into the kitchen to find something to eat (because I am an emotional eater). Eden walked in and said, "Mommy brother is crying". And I said, "I know sweetie. Brother is tired and he needs to go to sleep. But he doesn't want to and he is trying to make me feel like a bad Mommy."
And she looked right up at me and said, "But you aren't a bad mommy." I have been waiting since the day Eden was born to hear those reassuring words. You know when you have your first baby and your can't wait till they hug you and kiss you, or say I love you.

I gave her a big hug and tried hard not to cry because I didn't want her to be confused by my tears. She saw them anyway and asked, "you sad mommy?" and I said "Nope I'm crying cause I'm happy. Thanks for making me so happy." She gave me a big grin and said, "I make you so happy!" Melting my little heart.
I doubt I will hear those words often, and it's a little moment I don't want to forget.
And just in case I haven't said it since I was 2, "Mom, You aren't a bad Mommy. And thanks for all you do and have done to be a great Mommy."


Stephanie said...

precious precious precious! she is so smart and you are a GREAT mommy!

ashley said...

ok, for some reason that almost brought a tear to my eye! how sweet little miss eden is!

liko said...

aww!! you rock, mama!!! and eden is a little sweetie.


2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod