Saturday, October 24, 2009

"You're Freaking Me Out!!"

Eden exclaimed as we stood on the side of Kam highway watching a whole bunch of horses graze. They came mighty close. Eden could have touched their noses (if I would have let her.) I didn't feel too safe touching the noses of a bunch of horses whose owner I did not know. I didn't want any of them confusing Eden's cute little fingers as delicious carrots.

We had a ton of fun for about 10 minutes. Eden liked watching the horses eat and I pointed out their huge teeth. Eden then showed me her huge teeth (is it just me, or do her eyes looks a little crazy in this picture?)...And then it started to sprinkle, and Tex started to fuss a little. So it was time to head home.

I knew Eden wouldn't leave without a fight, so I put her back in the stroller and called her Dad on the cell phone and handed the phone off to her. She and he talked and talked for the next 10 minutes... tantrum averted. Things I remember coming from her mouth while she was on the phone.

1. Daddy I need you. I need you. When you coming home? I need you
2. We saw horses. Day were freaking me
3. Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday to you. No Daddy. Happy birthday to you not me
And we made it home before it started pouring...The end.


liko said...

'day were freaking me' has got to be one of the funniest i've heard her say yet! haha!!

i love horses! watching them chew is fun!

wood0306 said...

Ha Ha.... That is so cute! I don't blame her, those horses would be freaking me out too, if all I saw were those big teeth :)

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod