Monday, October 5, 2009

How much can I write about in 10 minutes?

Well, i will find out. Since I am only allowing myself the next 10 minutes to complete this...before i tuck my sickly coughy tired very tired self into the couch for a nap.
Both kids went down 20 minutes ago...but I have so many cute photos and memories stored up in my brain that I must realease.
First of all Tex, since he changes the most from day to day. He's determined that walking will be his next mile-stone and his goal is to be walking by Haloween I believe. He practices everyday, and whenever I try to set him down on the ground he stiffens his little legs so he can stand and refuses to let me put him down in a sitting position. He's barely starting to pull himself up onto furniture, so Iexplained to him a goal of walking by Halloween might be a little un-attainable and that he might want to shoot for Thanksgiving or Christmas...but boy is he determined.

And Eden...sweet sweet, hillarious, talking a million miles a minute, makes me laugh all day, sweet big sister, and mamma's huge helper. She just won't quit growing up either. Mostly what makes me laugh about her are the funny phrases she repeats, how suddenly she knows all the words to soooo very many songs, and how she and her brother are THE BEST of friends.

Yesterday as I was working around the house and she was creating one of her famous collages (pictures to come), she said "Oh! Mamma...guess what!?" And I said, "What?" Then she looked at me confused. Again she said, "Oh! And guess what?" and I said, "what?" and she still had nothing to respond. It was just her favorite thing to say for the next 10 minutes and I just couldn't stop laughing. You probably had to be there but it was hillarious.

Lately she has been a stinker about taking naps. I fight with her for about 30 minutes to an hour before giving up. Sometimes she'll stay in her room and play for a while and come out and say, "Hi mamma! I waked up" (I know full well she was not sleeping). Then she says, "I sleep a LOOOONG time. I sleep for 4 months." She is obsessed with saying 4 months right now whenever you ask her how long something is. I think it has something to do with my telling people how old Tex is in months. It's pretty cute.

WEll, I am at 8 minutes, and I wanna add some pictures. Here they are in no particular order for time sakes. ;-)

Okay, so it took me 17 minutes. I guess you can't post text/stories and pictures and upload from your camera in 10's impossible. But it was sure fun to try. And off to couch I go.


Bonnie said...

So fun to get your update...I really miss you guys! Thanks for the smiles and pictures! That little guy is sure in a hurry:-)

liko said...

you are sick? want me to come play with your kids? or at least take eden tomorrow? faith has this week off from school so we can play!

Stephanie said...

hope you feel better soon- we are at the tail end of our cold i believe- FINALLY! this was a cute update!

wood0306 said...

Thanks again for antoher fun update... Cute Cute pictures... Again, you are such a GREAT mom! Love ya :)

Unknown said...

I love all your stories. You are a fun mama and I love it.

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod