Sunday, October 25, 2009

POST 300! Oh Happy Day

Seeing how this is my 300th post, and I soooooo glad to bring you great news. Last night I put Tex to bed around fever. I checked him every so often, and he woke up on a few occasions of his own choosing, and I'd check on him again....but no fever.

I'm just happy my boy isn't burning up anymore. Thanks for all your prayers and concerns and thoughts. I'm glad my boy seems healthy again (well, minus the cough that seems to have started a few days ago...but at least we know it's not pneumonia). I've been through fevers before with Eden, and a few fevers with Tex before this one. Eden had a 104.something fever the night of her 1st birthday. Scared me half to death. Luckily that only lasted one night. I worried since Tex's was so high for so many night's in a row.

It feels like my kids have been sick for the past 2 months, and I am oh sooooooo tired of germs. At this present time Eden isn't sick, and Tex almost isn't sick. I seem to have some lingering symptoms from my sinus infection that started 2 weeks ago.... but I think we might be (dare I say it?) "on the mend"...knock on wood. Oh happy day!

I'm hoping to help eliminate some of these sicknesses by improving Eden's diet (less sugar) and washing hands around the house more say, 50 times a day.
Eden is dying to hang out with her friends again. But I am worried I might be a little germ-o-phobic for a few days. So next time you see me at a play group, don't be suprised (or offended) if I show up with a diaper bag full hand sanitizer, hand soap, clorox wipes, and I chase my kids around while spraying a can of Lysol. ;-)


Stephanie said...

we wont be offended in the least since i will be doing the SAME THING! if you have germs people STAY AWAY!!! :) yeah for healthy kids- i was so worried about my little TEX!

Bonnie said...

So glad the prayers were answered so quickly! So happy you are all on the mend! Arizona is the place to be;-) Miss you!

ashley said...

oh man, poor little man. he did look super cute in that gown though. glad he is feeling better, that trip to the hospital did not sound fun! good luck!

wood0306 said...

Oh wow... I wish I could have been there to help out. However, it is such a relief hearing things afterwards and just getting the Happy news! I hope you all finish up with a speedy recovery! Love ya!

liko said...

i bought a HUGE bottle of sanitizer at my last costco visit, so i'll have my very own stash, too! flu season...uck!

and you must be so stoked to finally be getting better and having the kids getting better, too. you get a little stir-crazy after a few days!!

Greg and Abbey said...

Hooray! I'm so thankful your kids are doing better. That's so sad that he was so sick. :(

By the way, I LOVE the gift you sewed! I also get compliments on it! :) Greg loves it too. It's sooo handy! I am so impressed that you made it.

What are you guys going to be for Halloween?


Amy K said...

Hope everyone continues to be on the mend at your house. Addie is sick, been home for last 3 days from school with bad cough and sinus yuck. And Tyvan is just starting to get sick. Hopefully its the same strain that Centry and I already shared, but if our luck is holding ... it's not. ;o) Meanwhile, I'm washing hands regularly and crossing fingers that Caide started the whole germ thing that got Centry and I sick. Love and Miss You!

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod