Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random photos from the month

I just realized I had some photos in my carmera that I haven't uploaded yet. So, here are some of the things we have been up to...

Lately Eden has been obsessed with going "Gecko hunting" with her Dadda. She has always loved Gecko's. So last sunday I made her a gecko house out of an old baby-wipe box. Here she is, checking out her geckos. It's usually dad's job, he's the expert hunter...but even I cought my first gecko this past monday. Eden's always walking around the backyard looking for more geckos to put in her house.

Eden still loves playing everynight in her new tubby!!

It's a good thing we have the tubby too, cause Eden's new obsession is playing in the dirt. She loves to put dirt from the yard in one bowl, and then dump it in her purse, and then dump in on the lanai, and then go back for more. Here we are at Wal-Greens the other afternoon digging in some more dirt...putting it in her belly button...and throwing it.

And now... Eden loves to get her hair done. She just wants pig tail after pig tail put in her hair. Actually she calls them "tig pails"

And when you ask her to smile...she makes a face like this...

The other day we went to TVA playground again with a bunch of friends. I was feeling pretty brave that morning and left the house with Eden in a pair of panties for the first time. She did really great too!! No accidents. This morning she went all out in tig pails. I think she had 6 in all. She asked for more, but I told her there was not more hair left.

I just love Adelaid's red shoes

I get so nervous watching her climb up this thing (cause she is not the best at watching where she is going)... but she made it! All the way up herself, no help from Mamma.

And what kind of monkey would she be if she didn't love to hang from monkey bars?

She had fun swinging with Addy from nextdoor.

Then Eden decided to chase the birds for a while, and feed them some of her cookies and gold fish. Gwen did a pretty good job crawling on all fours trying to keep up with the birds too!

I'm almost embarassed to post this next photo just because my face is SOOOOO incredible swolen...yikes! However, it's just too cute not to share. These are the mommies of Eden's best friends Ambrose and Adelaide. They were all born within weeks of each other. I thought we'd have our next batch together, but I jumped the gun a little and got pregnant 3 months before the other mammas. They are both due in JUNE (5 days apart)!! And I am so excited to meet their little guys.


Kristi said...

oh my goodness can you believe you are going to have two rugrats running around. wowsers i am going to need some tips on how to take care of one. Miss you guys.

Stephanie said...

cute photos! and gecko hunting! ahhhhhhh! you know how i fear those little beasts :)

i have been enjoying all her pigtails- pretty awesome. and i must say she has some hilariously cute facial expressions in so many of these photos :)

wood0306 said...

Thanks so much for the cute pictures. She is so dang cute, and puts a HUGE smile on my face! I love the dirt in the belly button :)

Kristine Parker said...

I love the multiple pig tales!!! She looks so cute. Oh I miss you guys and getting to play with Eden! I just looked at your baby counter and noticed that our babies are going to be 100 days apart. You have 14 days left and I have 114 days left. Thanks for the comment on my crib set. I was trying to get one that I could use for a boy or a girl so your comment was very helpful! Love ya.

AJones said...

I love those photos! I am glad to know you are doing well! I can't believe you'll have 2 WOW!!! GOOD LUCK! Being an education major, teach them all you know...YOU GO GIRL!

Anonymous said...

love the pic of addy across the swing with her arse in the air, yank off her panties and shove mycock in her arse let her feel me cumin her

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod