Wednesday, September 2, 2009

And here are the videos

Okay, here are all the videos I put on youtube. I'll probably put another crop on tomorrow. It's awesome cause you can upload up to 10 videos at a time it doesn't take 2 hours. You just select all the videos you want to load and then walk away for an hour. When you come back...10 videos done! Vualla!!! Cool huh?

Tex playing with his tongue...while Mom and Dad watch "I survived a Japanese Game Show"

Eden singing ABCD's to Daddy....and poking him in the eye...on accident.

Eden feeding little helper. ;-)

Swimming with Grandpa Parker

You remember the stories "Frog and Toad?" Here is "Eden and Toad" (different from the other video below)

And a few "Ghosts of Eden's past"

Okie dokie...I'll give you a break for now. I better get to some dishes and to bed.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

What a fun trip down memory lane...especially like the popsicle and the frog. What about putting on the chocolate birthday cake--that one is a classic! She's a natural born star I guess:-)

2 peas from my pod

2 peas from my pod